CUET Syllabus of Performing Arts 320 Vocal Instrumental Melodic Hindustani & Karnataka Music Dance Percussion Drama Theatre Syllabus

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This paper shall have two parts: Part I is compulsory for all which will have 20
Part II shall have four sections- A, B, C, D. Each Section will have 25 Questions.
Candidates are required to attempt any 20 Questions out of given 25.
Candidates are required to choose any one section according to their choice

CUET Syllabus for Vocal Instrumental Melodic

Section A- Hindustani- Karnatak Music

UNIT I- Definition of the following:

Sangeet, Nad, Shruti, Swara- Shuddha, Komal, Teevra, Lay, Gram , Murcchana, Varna, Alankar, Raga, Alap Tana, Gamak, Meend, Kan.

UNIT II- Basic knowledge of the following concepts:

Vadi, Samvadi, Anuvadi, Vivadi,Uttarang, Puravang, Aroh, Avroh, Pakad, Thata(Mela) JatiAudav,Shadav, Sampurna and its varieties.

UNIT III- Laya & Tala

Laya – Vilambit,Madhya, Drut
Layakari- Dagun, Tigun, Chaugun, Chegun, Tala, Matra, Tali, Khali, Sam, Vibhag,
Avartan, Knowledge of prominent Taals:
Teentaal,Ektaal, Dadra, Keherwa, Jhaptaal, Rupak, Adi, Saptala, Chaputala, Rupakam.

UNIT IV- Knowledge of Musical Forms

Prabandh, Drupad, Khayal, Thumri, Tarana, Maseet Khani-Razakhani Gat, Kriti,Pallavi,
Padam, Tillana

UNIT V- Contribution of musicians & composers:

V.N Bhatkhande, Omkar Nath thakur, Allaudin Khan, Mushtaq Ali Khan, Tyagraja,
Purandardas, Ravindra Nath tagore, Kazi nazrul Islam.


Musical Instruments & its Classification: string (Tatta)- Sitar, Tanpura, Saraswati Veena, Sarod, sarangi ,Violon

Percussion (Avnadha) Tabla, Pakhawaj, Mrindangam, Khtam, Khanjira, Dholak .

Wind (Sushir) – Flute, Shehnai, Nagaswaram, Harmonium ,

Metallic (Ghan)- Chimta, Cymbal, Ghungaroo, Khadtala, Chipla,Morchung

UNIT-VII- Knowledge of Salient features of the following ragas: –

  1. Yaman/Kalyani, 2. Bhairav/ Mayamalavgaula, 3. Alhaiya Bilwal/Shankra bharnam,
  2. Malkaun/Hindolam, 5. Bageshree/Shri Ranjani, 6. Bhupali/Mohnam

Performing Arts-320: Dance (Section B)

UNIT I – Brief knowledge of classical dances of India.

(Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Manipuri, Kathakali, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam, Sattriya)
I. History
II. Dance repertoire
III. Music both vocal and instrumental
IV. Costume and makeup


Life sketches of chief exponents and contributors of different dance forms, past and

UNIT III- Knowledge of the following terms:

I. Sangeet, Natan Bheda ( Natya,Nritta, Nritya)
II. Tandav, Lasya
III. Lokdharmi, Natyadharmi

UNIT IV- Basic knowledge of the following: –

I. Texts: Abhinaya Darpan, Natya Shastra, Abhinaya Chandrika, Hasta
Lakshana deepika.
II. Major folk dances of India.

UNIT V- Basic knowledge of Abhinaya and Rasa theory.

I. Aangika, Vachika, Aaharya, Satwika
II. Nav ras and sthayi bhaav.
III. Bhav, Vibhav, Anubhav, Sanchari.

UNIT VI- Survey of classical dance practice:

I. Elementary information and knowledge of premier classical dance
gharanas/ organisations/ institutions/ University-departments.
II. Major dance festivals.

Section-C-Syllabus for Percussion Music- Hindustani & Karnataka


Basic knowledge of structure of Tabla, Pakhawaj & Mrindangam.


Varnas of Tabla, Pakhawaj and Mrindangam.

UNIT III- Knowledge of following terms:

a) Tala, Matra,Tali, Khali, Vibhag, Tihai, Sam
b) Theka, Kayada,Rela, Tukda, Paran, Peshkar, Uthan, Chakradar & Farmaishi chakradar.
c) Sarvlaghu,Gati, Koraipu,Korvai,Pharan,Mohra, Chapu, Muktayipu
d) Study of Laya,Laykari & Jati


Elementary knowledge of Bhatkhande Tala Notation system & Karnatak Tala Notation


a) Brief study of origin of Tabla,Pakhawaj and Mrindangam.
b) Brief study of Gharana of Tabla and Pakhawaj


Knowledge of prescribes Taals:
a) Teentaal, Jhaptaal,Ektaal, Rupak, Keherwa & Dadra
b) Chautaal, Sooltaal,Khemta, Dhamar
c) Dhurva,Mathya Rupak,Jhampa,Triput,Ata,Eka.

UNIT VII Biographies: –

a) Pt.Kishan Maharaj,Ustad Zakir Hussain.
b) Raja Chatrapati Singh,Guru Purushotam Das.
c) Palani Subramanya Pillai, Palghat Mani Iyer.

Section D: Drama- Theatre


Introduction to Indian Classical and Traditional Theatre
I. Leading Sanskrit Playwrights
II. Bhasa, Kalidas, Sudraka, Bhavabhuti [ The student can identify and study one text
(one play) of the above-mentioned Playwrights]
III. Major Traditional Theatre forms

UNIT II- Modern/ Contemporary Indian Theatre

I. Survey of major modern and contemporary styles and works in Hindi/ English
II. Rabindranath Tagore, Bhartendu Harishchandra,Vijay Tendulkar, Mohan Rakesh,
Dharamveer Bharti, Badal sarcar, Shankar Shesh, Girish Karnad, Chandrasekhar
Kambar, Madhu Rye.
[The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the above-mentioned
III. Partitioners of modern Indian Theatre Shambhu Mitra, B.V.Karanth, Habib Tanvir,K.N.Panikkar,Ratan Thiyam, Utapal Dutt, Rajender Nath, Jabbar Patel, Vijya Mehta, Satyadev Dubey, E.Alkazi, Pravin Joshi.

UNIT III- Introduction to western classical and Medieval Drama

I. Leading Greek Playwrights
II. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedese
[The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the above-mentioned
III. Shakesperean Dramas
[The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the Shakespeare]

UNIT IV- Modern/Contemporary Western Theatre

I. Survey of major contemporary styles and works in English or English Translation
II. Chekov, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw,O’Neil, Miller, Ionesco, Beckett, Pinter
[The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the playwrights abovementioned]
III. Practitioners of Modern Western Drama
a. Stanislavsky, Lee Strasberg, Bertolt Brecht, Meyerhold, Peter Brook
b. Marlin Brando, Lawrence Olivier, John Grilgood

UNIT V- Theatre Production/Architecture/ Design

I. Types of Theatres: Proscenium, Arena, Theatre in Round, Thrust.
II. Elements of play production: Set, Light, Costume, Make up, Sound- Music.


I. Review of Indian Theatre Organizations-NSD, University Theatre Deptts, Sangeet Natak
academy, Zonal Cultural Centres.
II. Developing and Documenting the Research project – Examples of research projects in different
aspects of theatre; using media and sources for the project