Char Taal 12 Matras 6 Partitions Bol Theka Music Notes In English

Char Taal In Music In English
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Char Taal is the most common taal of Indian classical music or Hindustani Classical Music.

Char Taal has 12 Beats (matras)  in 6 partitions (Vibhag). There are 2-2 matras in all 6 partitions called as Vibhag also. There is clapping on 1st, 5th ,9th and 11th matra and khali on 3th,7th  matra or beat .

Char Taal

Char Taal Description –

Matra –12 Beats

Vibhag  –6Partitions

Clap –  1st  , 5th ,9 th & 11th  Beats

Khali –   3th,7th Beat 

In taal first Beat (matra) called as Sam and represent as this symbol ( X ).

 Tali – In taal tali is represent with the help of (X . 2 3 ) .

Khali – In taal khali is represent with the help of “0”

Char Taal Bol In Hindi

Bol – Dha  Dha  /  Di  Ta  / Kit  Dha / Di  Ta / Kit  Tak / Gdi  Gan 

Thah of Char Taal  Ekgun –

Method of writing Char Taal  in thah or Ekgun –

Matra1   2  34  56 78 910 1112
BolDha Dha    Di   Ta   Kit   Dha  Di    Ta  Kit Tak  Gdi  Gan  
Symbolsx  0  2  0   3  4 

Char Taal  in Dugun –

For writing taal in Dugun place two bols in one beat or matra  .

Eg –

Matra1   2  34  56
BolDhaDha DiTa     KitDha   DiTa     KitTak   GdiGan 
Symbolsx  0  2 
78 910 1112
DhaDhaDiTa       KitDhaDiTa     KitTakGdiGan
0   3  4 

Char Taal  in Tigun –

For writing taal in Tigun place three bols in one beat or matra  .

Eg –

Matra1   2  34  56
BolDhaDhaDi TaKitDha     DiTaKit    TakGdiGan     DhaDhaDiTaKitDha
Symbolsx  0  2 
78 910 1112
DiTaKit    TakGdiGan DhaDhaदिTaKitDha DiTaKit    TakGdiGan
0   3  4 

Char Taal  in Chaugun –

For writing taal in Chaugun place four bols in one beat or matra .

Eg –                                           

Matra1   2  34  56
BolDhaDha DiTa    KitDha DiTa      KitTak GdiGan  DhaDha DiTa     KitDha DiTa       KitTak GdiGan   
Symbolsx  0  2 
78 910 1112
DhaDha DiTa    KitDha DiTa     KitTak GdiGan DhaDha DiTa     KitDha DiTa       KitTak GdiGan   
0   3  4 

Char Taal Question Answer –

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What is the name of 12 Matra taal? Which taal is of 12 Beats ?

Char Taal is the most common taal of Indian classical music or Hindustani Classical Music . Char Taal has 12 Beats (matras)  in 6 partitions (Vibhag). There are 2-2 matras in all 6 partitions called as Vibhag also.

How many matra’s or beats Char Taal  Have?

Char Taal  has 12 Beats (matras) in 6 partitions (Vibhag).

How many Divisions (Vibhag)Char Taal  have?

There are 2-2 matras in all 6 partitions called as Vibhag .

How many Tali & Khali are there in Trital or Char Taal ?

There is clapping on 1st, 5th ,9th and 11th matra and khali on 3th,7th matra or beat .

In taal first Beat (matra) called as Sam and represent as this symbol ( X ).

 Tali – In taal tali is represent with the help of (X . 2 3 ) .
Khali – In taal khali is represent with the help of “0” .

What sre the Bols of Char Taal ?

Char Taal Bol or Lyrics – Dha  Dha  /  Di  Ta  / Kit  Dha / Di  Ta / Kit Tak / Gdi Gan