Alhaiya Bilawal raag is believed to have originated from Bilawal thaat.Ma is not used in aaroh and all the seven swars are used in the avaroh ,so its jati is Shadav-Sampurn(6,7). In this raag Dha & Ga are Vadi & Samvadi swar .Ni is used as shudha in aaroh and both Nishad are used in avaroh.The singing time of this raag is 6 am to 9 am (the first part of the day).
Alhaiya Bilawal Raag
How To Read Sargam Notes –
- “.” is used for Mandra saptak(Lower octave notes) .Pa
- “*” is user for Taar Saptak (Higher Octave notes) Swars eg – Pa*
- “(k)” small character is used for komal – ( Re(k) , Ga(k) , Dha(k) , Ni(k) )
- Ma(t) here “(t)” is used for showing teevra swar Ma(t) .
- “-” is used for Holdong the notes according to the Song.
- Swars written “ReGa” in this manner means they are playing fast or two swars on one beat.
- Ma(Ga) or (Ga)Ma Here Ga is Kan Swar or Sparsh Swar and Ma is Mool Swar. (You Can skip the kan swar if not understand how to play)
- Swars written [ Ni(k) Pa ] in this manner they are playing or singing in sliding mode means Meend acc to Indian music .
- { NiSa*Re*Sa* Ni } here this braket {} is used for showing Khatka in which swars are playing fast .
Description of Raag :-
Aaroh – Sa Ga Re Ga Pa Dha Ni Sa*
Avaroh – Sa*Ni Dha Pa Dha Ni(k) Dha Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Sa
Pakad :- Ga ReGa Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Ga Pa Dha Ni Dha Pa
Thaat – Bilawal Thaat
Vadi – Samvadi Swar – Dha Ga
Varjit swar- Ma
Jati – Shadav – Sampurn(6,7)
Singing Time – 6 am to 9 am (the first part of the day).
Important notes-
(1)It is clear from the name itself that Alhaiya Bilawal is a variant of Raga Bilawal. Many other variants of Bilawal are also in circulation.
(2) Rishabh in ascending and Gandhara in descending mostly Vakra is used, like, Ga Re Ga Pa Ma Ga Ma Re.
(3) Shuddha Nishad is used in the aaroh and komal Nishad is used sparingly only in the avaroh between two Dhaivat as like-Sa NiDhaPa, Dha NiDha Pa.
(4) This raag is Uttarang pradhan i.e. its plaintive voice is taken from Uttarang (Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa) of Saptak. Its movement is also more in this part of the octave and in the chord octave.
(5) Now a days the promotion of Alhaiya Bilawal has increased so much that people understand Alhaiya Bilawal only by saying Bilawal, while Bilawal and Alhaiya Bilawal are two different ragas.
Like the voice of trust, Re and Pa,
Similar Raga-Bilawal
Alhaiya bilawal-Ga Pa, Dha Ni Sa,Sa Ni Dha Ni Dha Pa, MaGa MaRe,
Bilawal – Ga Pa Da Ni Sa Ni Dha Pa, MaGa
Alhaiya Bilawal raag question answer –
What are the Aaroh, Avaroh & Pakad of Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Aaroh – Sa Ga Re Ga Pa Dha Ni Sa*
Avaroh – Sa*Ni Dha Pa Dha Ni(k) Dha Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Sa
Pakad :- Ga ReGa Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Ga Pa Dha Ni(k)Dha Pa
What is the Jati of Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Jati – Shadav – Sampurn(6,7)
What is the singing time of Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Singing Time – 6 am to 9 am (the first part of the day).
Which swars are used in Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Aaroh – Sa Ga Re Ga Pa Dha Ni Sa*
Avaroh – Sa*Ni Dha Pa Dha Ni(k)Dha Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Sa
Pakad :- Ga ReGa Pa , Ma Ga Ma Re, Ga Pa Dha Ni(k)Dha Pa
What is the Thaat of Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Thaat – Bilawal Thaat
What are the Vadi- Samvadi Swar of Alhaiya Bilawal raag?
Vadi – Samvadi Swar – Dha Ga
What are the Varjit swar of Alhaiya Bilawal raag?
Varjit swar- Ma
What is the introduction of Alhaiya Bilawal raag ?
Alhaiya Bilawal raag is believed to have originated from Bilawal thaat.Ma is not used in aaroh and all the seven swars are used in the avaroh ,so its jati is Shadav-Sampurn(6,7). In this raag Dha & Ga are Vadi & Samvadi swar .Ni is used as shudha in aaroh and both Nishad are used in avaroh.The singing time of this raag is 6 am to 9 am (the first part of the day).