Odissi Nritya Prarambhik Final Syllabus In English Pracheen Kala Kendra

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Odissi Nritya Prarambhik Final Syllabus In English

Odissi Nritya

Exam marks

Total Marks: 100

Theory– 25



(1). Definition- Lasya and Tandav.

(2). Knowledge of Rupak and Ektali.

(3). Knowledge of Devdasi dance.

(4). Knowledge of six organs and six pratyags.

(5). Knowledge of taal and lay and their utility in dance.

(6). Brief knowledge of the origin of Indian dances.

(7) Knowledge of Indian dances in general and Orissa dance in particular.

(8). Knowledge of uncombined hand gestures.


(1). Practice of cervical and head operations.

(2). Knowledge and practice of uncombined postures.

(3). Practice of one step and its utility in Odissi dance.

(4) Demonstration of elementary taal groups used in Odissi dance.

(5). Practice of Mangala Charan dance.

(6).Practice of operation of post on Ekgun , Dugun and Chaugun lay on four and tribhang.

(7). Practice of performing Ekgun, Dugun and Chaugun lay through tali  on the hands.

(8).Practice of Padhant.

Note – The syllabus of the previous year will be combined.