Vocal Junior Diploma 3rd Year Syllabus In English Prayag Sangeet Samiti

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Vocal Junior Diploma 3rd Year Syllabus In English


Exam Marks

Total Marks- 100 




(1).Complete description of Tanpura and Tabla and complete knowledge of combine them. The relation between the width of the Aandolan and the minor-greatness of its Naad, the division of the 22 Shruti  into seven Shudha-swars (Aadhunik opinion), a more complete and clear definition of the total technical terms of the first and second-year, the special rules of Thaat and Raag, Subtle difference between Shruti and Naad, Vyankatamukhi Sa 72 Mathematical composition of Thaats and origin of 484 raags from one Thaat, three classes of raags according to swar and time (Re-Dha raag, Re-Dha Shudha raag and Ga-Ni komal raag), Sandhi-Prakash raag, Merits and demerits of singers, Types of Taan (Shuddh or Saral, Koot, Mishra, Bol Tan), Gamak, Aad, Sthai. Detailed description of song types – Bada Khayal, Dhamar, Hori, Tappa.

(2).Complete introduction to the raags of the course, including swar-vistar and taan.

(3).Complete introduction of all the taal of this year and last year. Writing their Theka in Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun lay in taal-lipi, Knowledge of the method of mathematically finding out the starting point of a taal or geet’s Dugun etc.

(4). Writing the swarlipi of songs. Writing Dhamar and Dhrupad in Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun.

(5).Raag recognition by difficult swars.

(6). Comparison of Sam Prakrti raag with syllabus.

(7).Complete knowledge of Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digambar Swar swar lipi paddhati.

(8).Brief biographies of Sharangadeva and Swami Haridas and introduction to their musical works.


(1).Special progress in swargyan, proper practice of Shudha and Vikrit swar of all three octaves (places), singing and recognition of difficult swar groups.

(2).Special practice of singing Alankars in Thah, Dugun, and Chaugun lay.

(3).Correct practice of mixing tanpura.

(4).Special progress in laygyan, more clear and firm knowledge of Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun  lay only a preliminary introduction to Adalay.

(5).Practice of using throat particles, practice of some special rhetorical kanswar or khatak.

(6).Chhota Khayal –

  • Tilak-Kamod
  • Hameer
  • Kedar
  • Tilang
  • Kalingada
  • Patdeep
  • Jaunpuri,
  • Malkosh
  • Pilu

 Each with a Chota khayal Alap, Taan and Bol-taan.

(7). Bada khayal –

  • Bageshree
  • Asavari
  • Vrindavani Sarang
  • Bhimpalasi
  • Desh
  • Jaunpuri
  • Hameer
  • Kedar
  • Patdeep
  • Malkosh

In any 6 of these 10 ragas Bada-Khyal-Alap, Taan Bol-Tan etc.

 (8).One Dhrupad in any two of the above raags and one Dhamar in any one raag including Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun.

(9). Taal – Deepchandi, Jhumra, Dhamar and Tilwada – practice of reciting the Theka of taals in Thah, Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun lay.

(10).Proficiency in Raag recognition.