Kuchipudi Nritya Visharad Final Syllabus In English Pracheen Kala Kendra

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Kuchipudi Nritya Visharad Final Syllabus In English

Kuchipudi Nritya

Exam marks

Total Marks: 300

Theory– 100


First Paper – 50

Second Paper – 50

Practical -125

Stage performance :25


First Paper

(1). Complete life introduction and contribution of Sidvendra Yogi, the founder of Kuchipudi classical dance.

(2).Jada, Dritantam or Jada Bharatam knowledge.

(3). Used by women and men in Pracheen yug.

(4). Complete details of jewellery.

(5).Knowledge of the need for music in the popular raag and dance of Kuchipudi dance.

(6).Importance of sahitya and jati swar in Kuchipudi dance and dance drama.

(7).Complete knowledge of Chaturvidha Abhinay, definition of Bhav and Ras and complete knowledge of mutual relation between them.

(8).According to Abhinay Darpan, the complete knowledge of Sabha Lakshna along with the shlok.

(9).Knowledge of all technical terms used in Kuchipudi dance style.

(10). Comparative study of costumes, colors and decorations in Kuchipudi, Bharatnatyam and Kathakali dance styles.

(11). Brief description of the following:-

  • Veni Vruruthantham
  • Vachanam
  • Hasyam
  • Tera
  • Darvyu
  • Jarjanam
  • Muktayamapu

(12). Ability to choreograph dance based on new compositions.

(13).Essay writing ability:-

  • Sugam and Shastriya nirtya
  • Indian Tantra Instrumental Group
  • Growing popularity of Indian classical dances in the West
  • Importance of musical instruments in Indian classical music.

(14). History of Indian theatre, stage decoration, lighting, form decoration, direction and knowledge.

Second Paper

(1). Brief history of the origin of taal.

(2).Knowledge of Carnatic taal paddhati, use of Hindustani taal paddhati. Complete introduction of Laghu, Guru, Drut and Anudrut.

(3). Knowledge of 23 joint hand gestures and their use in Indian dances.

(4) Complete knowledge of mudra used in Kuchipudi dance, their relation with Bhav and Ras.

(5).Relation of lay with South Indian classical, easy and lok nirtya.

(6). Basic principles and rules of presentation of solo, duet and group dances.

(7). Essay writing: –

  • Nirtya and Ras
  • Place of Lay in Nirtya
  • Classical and Lok Nirtya
  • Place and importance of ghungroos in Nirtya


(1). Practical knowledge of Gola Kalapam Pravesha Darvayu.

(2).Sri Krishna Pravesha Darvayu in Bhama Kalapam.

(3). Vada – Samvada Darvayu of Krishna and Satyabhama in Bhama.

(4).Knowledge of Satya Bhama Lekha’s acting performance towards Lord Krishna. Shrimad Ratnakara

(5).Ability to perform dance on any shlok of Nav Ras.

(6) Dance performance on a Tillana.

(7). Tyag Raja Kirtanam.

(8).Performance on Annamacharya Keerthana.

(9). Practical practice of Tarangam.

(10). Ability to differentiate between the following in practical form:-

  • Lasya and Tandav, Nirtya
  • Nirtya and Natya
  • Difference between Nayak and Nayika.

(11).Kshetriya Padam –

  • Parakiya nayika for girls
  • Upa Pathi Nayak for boys

(12). Practice of Padhant verses on the taals used in Kuchipudi dance.

Stage Performance:-

(1) The candidate will have to dance on stage for at least 25 minutes as prescribed in the syllabus.

Notes- The syllabus of previous years will be combined.