Devgiri Bilawal Raag Bandish 16 Matras Allap Taan Music Notes In English

Devgiri Bilawal Raag
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Devgiri Bilawal raag is believed to have originated from Bilawal thaat.Ma in the aaroh and Dha & Ga in the avaroh is weak in this raag.All the swars are used as shudha in this raag. Its jati is Wakra-Sampurn. In this raag Sa & Pa are Vadi & Samvadi swar .The singing time of this raag is 6 am to 9 am(the first part of the day).

Devgiri Bilawal Raag

Description of Raag:-

Aaroh- Sa, Re Ga, Ma Re, Ga Pa,Ni Dha, Ni Sa*.

Avaroh- Sa*, Ni Dha, Ni Pa, Ma Ga Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.

Pakad- Sa Re Ga Re Sa, .Ni .Dha .Ni .Dha [.Pa Ga], Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.

Thaat- Bilawal thaat

 Varjit swar in aaroh- Ma

 Varjit swar in avaroh- Dha, Ga

Jati- Wakra-Sampurn

Vadi-Samvadi swar- Sa, Pa

Singing time -6 am to 9 am(the first part of the day).

Important notes:-

1This is a type of Bilawal. The combination of Bilawaland Devgiri raag should not understand in this because of Devgiri is not a separate another raag rather than Devgiri Bilawal is known as Devgiri.

2.It’s combination of Shudha Kalyan and Bilawal but there are many views on this subject. Some musican believe that it’s combination of Shudha Kalyan and Bilawal. Some Deshkar and Bilawal and some Bihag and Kalyan’s. In all these votes first vote is considered in which combination of Kalyan and Bilawal raag. According to Vinayak rao patvardhan it’s combination of Shudh Kalyan and Bilawal.

3.Sometimes komal Ni are used with Dhaivat and Pancham in avarohatam swar. As Ni(k)Dha, Ni(k)Dha, Ni(k)Pa.

4.Some musican kept small tiwra Madhayam and believe that it’s raag of Kalyan thaat. It’s better not to use tiwra Madhayam, not to it will be closed to similar raag Yamni Bilawal. For sometimes take less value of tiwra Ma then it can not considered raag of Kalyan that because use of shudh Ma is important in this raag rather than tiwra Ma.

5.Some musican believe that it is raag of Sampurn

– Audav jati. Seven swar are used in aaroh but Dha and Ga are not used in avaroh. If aaroh is considered as audav jati then avaroh also will be audav jati. Because of which place of Madhayam and Nishad in aaroh same place of Ghandar and Dhaivat in avaroh. Mostly Ga Ma Re Ga Pa and Pa Dha Ni Dha Sa* are used in avaroh.

6.From the time of raag this is utarkalin raag but it’s practice is purvang pradhaan. It’s practice is very beautiful in first and middle octaves. This is also the specialty of Shudh Kalyan.

7.By ignoring Nishad goes like this Dhaivat to higher Sa in avarohatmk swar. as Pa Dha Ni Dha Sa*.

Swar of nyas- Ga, Pa

Similar raag- Yamni Bilawal.

Yamni Bilawal-  Pa Ma(t) Pa, Ga Ma Ga Re Ga, Re (Sa) .Ni .Dha .Ni Re Ga.

Devgiri Bilawal- Pa, Ma Ga Ma Re Ga, Re Sa .Ni .Dha [.Pa Ga] – Re Sa.

Devgiri Bilawal raag question answer –

What are the Aaroh, Avaroh & Pakad of Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Aaroh- Sa, Re Ga, Ma Re, Ga Pa,Ni Dha, Ni Sa*.
Avaroh- Sa*, Ni Dha, Ni Pa, Ma Ga Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.
Pakad- Sa Re Ga Re Sa, .Ni .Dha .Ni .Dha [.Pa Ga], Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.

What is the Jati of Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Jati- Wakra-Sampurn

What is the singing time of Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Singing time -6 am to 9 am(the first part of the day).

Which swars are used in Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Aaroh- Sa, Re Ga, Ma Re, Ga Pa,Ni Dha, Ni Sa*.
Avaroh- Sa*, Ni Dha, Ni Pa, Ma Ga Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.
Pakad- Sa Re Ga Re Sa, .Ni .Dha .Ni .Dha [.Pa Ga], Ma Re Ga, Re Sa.

What is the Thaat of Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Thaat- Bilawal thaat

What are the Vadi- Samvadi Swar of Devgiri Bilawal raag ?

Vadi-Samvadi swar- Sa, Pa

What is the introduction of Devgiri Bilawal raag?

Devgiri Bilawal raag is believed to have originated from Bilawal thaat.Ma in the aaroh and Dha & Ga in the avaroh is weak in this raag.All the swars are used as shudha in this raag. Its jati is Wakra-Sampurn. In this raag Sa & Pa are Vadi & Samvadi swar .The singing time of this raag is 6 am to 9 am(the first part of the day).