Painting Chitra Visharad Part 1 Syllabus In English
Exam Marks
Total Marks – 250
Theory – 50
Practical – 200
(1) Painting of the Bengal school.
(2).Detailed description of western painting and its different styles.
(3). History of Indian painting.
(4).Detailed description of Indian folk painting
(5). Amrita Shergil and her paintings.
(6). Discussion of Avanindra Nath and Bangal School of Painting .
(7). Influence of Persian Art on Indian painting.
(8). Indian sculpture art style of Mathura and Amaravati.
(9). Impressionism – Claude monet, manet (any other five artists).
(10).Post Impressionism .
(11). Didarganj Yakshi, Amrawati Yakhshas, and Yakshinis
(12). Sanchi Stupa.
(13). Manuscript of Kalpasutra.
(14). Aesthetics (Science) :-
(a) Detailed study of colours, Basic types, Nature of colours, Tints, Tones and Shades of colours, Emotional effect of colors on human life.
(15). Analysis of Indian folk art.
(b). Definitional terms:
(Ras) Ras, Bhav Modernity, Mudras, Poster ,Stained Glass and Folk Art.
(1). Practice of making Land Scape from nature.
Madhyam :- Water Colour, Pastel Colors
(2). Practice of making Land Scape on related work of other artists
(3). Practice of making Life Sketch from the model kept in front. (4). Composition
Madhyam :- Water Color
(5). Curtain Design on Drawing Sheet 1/2 part (Practice of making curtains in four colors.
(6). Scale drawing
- Demonstration of simple furniture and its parts by pictograph:- chair, table, cupboard, bed etc.
- Furniture decoration by geometry Parallel & Angular Perspective.
(7).Decoration of the cover of the book through any one subject:-
Topic: social, political, economic.
Madhyam :- Poster Color
Size :- 25 x 30 cm.
(8). Rangoli, Wall Painting
Note: – The syllabus of previous years will be combined.