Rabindra Nritya Bhaskar Part 1 Syllabus In English Pracheen Kala Kendra

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Rabindra Nritya Bhaskar Part 1 Syllabus In English

Rabindra Nritya

Exam Marks

Total Marks: 400

Theory– 200

First Paper – 100

Second Paper – 100

Practical -125

Stage performance :25


First Paper

(1). The influence of Padavali literature on Rabindra Pratibha.

(2).Due to Guru Rabindra Nath and Guru Uday Shankar, present day dance has been propagated in many ways, criticize.

(3).Speciality of Rabindra Nritya Geeti.

(4).Detailed knowledge of stage decoration and stage lighting.

(5).Criticize the direct and indirect influences of Indian dance in Sinhala dance art and how Sinhalese dance influenced Rabindra Nath.

(6). Distinguish between different Indian Uchchang dance styles and the uniqueness of different styles.

(7). What are the specialties acquired from the craft used in ‘Chandalika’ dance drama.

(8). Rabindra Nath’s views towards dance in Rabindra Sangeet.

(9). Contribution of Guru Rabindra Nath in Indian dance and music.

(10).The Marmabodh and Aadarsh of Rabindra Sangeet.

(11). Spirituality in Ritu Sangeet composed by Guru Rabindra Nath.

Second Paper

(1). Definition -Shadow Play, Talpushtaput, Laglei, Uplei, Krishna Natyam, Bhagwat Mela.

(2). Shravanendriy Vishishtata.

(3). Importance of music in human society.

(4). Knowledge of Nav Ras and their usefulness in dance.

(5). Progress and development of Indian dance in pracheen ,madhyakalin and aadhunik kaal.

(6). The origin of taal and the relationship between taal and lay in dance.

(7).Speciality of solo dance, duet dance and group dance.

(8) . Svarn yug and Patan yug of Indian Dance.

(9). Practice of writing the Theka of all the taal prescribed in the syllabus in different laykari.

(10). What is the meaning of orchestra. Essentiality of orchestra in any dance performance.

(11). Criticism on the special relation of rural life and culture.


(1). Dance with the following Rabindra Sangeet –

  • Pooja- (a) Bado asha kare eshochhigi .

        (b)Charan dhwani suni tavon naath .

          (c)Shakti .

          (d)Je dhruvapad deepechho

  • Prakrti-(a) Kare vanshi nishi bhor.

           (b)Chhaaya ghanaichhe vane-vane.

          (c)Kautha je.udasi hawa |

          (d)Nibid ama timeer.

  • Prem- (a) Aure jaay na ki jana

          (b)Pushp vane pushp nahi

          (c)Aaj mir dwaare,

          (d)Aamaar man mane na din Rajani.

  • Swadesh – (a)Nishidin bharasa rakhish

                (b)Sarthak janam Aamar.

  • Vichitr – (a)Madhur-madhur dhwani baje .
  • Videsh sur-phule-phule, dhake-, dhake.

(2). Dance of the main character of ‘Mayar Khela’ or Kalamrigaya Gitinatya.

(3).Two dances in collaboration with Rabindra Sangeet Nibanddha in South Indian raag.

Stage performance

(1) It is mandatory for the candidate to give a stage performance of at least 35 minutes.

Note – The syllabus of previous years will be combined.