Kathak Senior Diploma 4th Year Syllabus In English
(Practical test of 100 marks and one question paper of Shastra – 50 marks. Syllabus of all previous years is also included.)
(1).Complete preparation for dance in Teentaal, Ektaal and Jhaptaal. Ability to perform dance in these taals for at least 15 minutes without repeating the bol. Practice of Teentaal one Talangi, one Nrityangi, one Kavitangi and one Misrangi in three Todo. To show past and future by Todo in three taal.
(2).Types of Ghunghat in Teentaal and Gatbhav of flute and panghat.
(3).In Dhamar Taal with 4 Tatkar Hastak, 2 Thaat, 1 Salami, 1Aamad, 5 Toda, 2 Tihai, 2 Paran and 1 Chakkardar Paran.
(4).Knowledge of different laykari. To show Panchgun and Aadlyas by clapping with feet and hands by Tatkar in Teental.
(5).2-2 Tatkars and 2-2 Tihai in Teevra, Chartaal and Aad Chartaal.
(6).Any 2 lok dance.
(7).All taals and Rupak of previous years, Deepchandi, Dhumali, Pancham Sawari, Aad Chartaal taals by clapping hands and recitation in Thah, Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun lay and removing them with feet.
(8).Practice of singing Swaramalika one by one in Yaman Bilawal and Bhairavi raags.
(9).Basic practice of tabla Instrumental.
Theory –
(1).Knowledge of the following technical terms – Mudra, Nikas, Sthanak, Ada, Ghumaria, Anchit, Kunchit, Ras, Bhav, Anubhav, Bhangi-Bhend, Teyari, Abhinay, Pindi, Primalu, Stuti, Vikshipta, Hastak, Kasak, Masak, Kataaksh, Naaj, Andaaj.
(2).Complete knowledge of Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digambara paddhati of orthography and comparison of both.
(3).Introductory study and comparison of the classical dances of India – Kathak, Kathakali, Manipuri, Bharatnatyam.
(4).Complete knowledge of the following subjects- Sanyukt aur Asanyukt Mudra, importance of Bhav in dance, study of the stories of popular Gatbhav ,benefits of dance, specialties of Aadhunik Nirtya.
(4).Ability to write Theka, Tatkar and Bol etc. of all Taals of the previous and this year in different lay in Vishnu Digambara and Bhatkhande Taallipi. Knowledge of the Ten pran of lay.
(5).Explanation- Varan, Aaroh-Avaroh, Alankar, Thaat, Raag, Suravart, (Swaramalika), Laykari, Lay and Laykari’s Bhed.
(6).Complete introduction to Yaman, Bilawal and Bhairavi raags and ability to sing simple geet in them.
(7).Complete introduction of Rupak, Deepchandi, Aad Chartaal, Dhumali and Pancham Sawari taal.
(8).Introduction of any two famous Kathak dancers of the present time and comparative study of their dance styles.
(9).Ability to write articles on music and dance related topics.