Instrumental Music Bhushan Part 2 Syllabus In English Pracheen Kala Kendra

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Instrumental Music Bhushan Part 2 Syllabus In English       


Sitar, Sarod, Israj, Sarangi, Violin, Vina and Guitar, Keyboard, Harmonium

Exam Marks

Total Marks- 250




  • Knowledge of technical terms of music – raag and its three Jati, Aahat and Anahat Naad, three characteristics of Naad, Purvarag Uttararag,Ashraya raag,Vadi,Samvadi ,Vivadi Swar,Anuvadi swar, Wakra swar, Grah,Ansh,Nyas, Gamak, Alap, Taan, Sut, Ghasit, Khatka, Murki, Baaj, Jhala, Zamzama, Janak thaat, Kampan, Meend.
  • Study of the difference between the following-
  • Taan-Alap
  • Masitkhani-Razakhani
  • Lay-Taal
  • Raag-thaat
  • Sut-ghasit
  • Khatka-Murki
  • Meend-Kan, Shruti-Swar
  • Brief history of your instrument (b) Method of tuning instruments and method of changing thaat in sitar.
  • Description of singing styles – Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, Lakshangeet, Sargam Geet and knowledge of Masitkhani, Razakhani, and Amir Khani gats in playing styles.
  • Various parts of the musical instrument, with information about string,Chal and Achal thaat.
  • Life history and contribution to music of Amir Khusro, Pt. Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digambar.
  • Practice of writing Gat in Pandit Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande and Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar Swarlipi paddhati.
  • In the first and second years, the practice of writing the Theka’s Bol of the prescribed Taal groups in thah Dugun and Chaugun


  • Practice of playing Aaroh-Avroh and Alankar (in Thah, Dugun and Chaugun Lay) of prescribed raag groups in this year.
  • Practice playing Razakhani Gat in the following raag groups (with simple Aalap Toda and Jhala)
  • Prescribed raags: Bhairavi, Asavari, Khamaj, Desh, Vrindavani Sarang, Malkauns, Durga, Jaunpuri and Hamir.
  • Practice of Matisakhani Gat, Razakhani Gat in any two raags from the above mentioned raag groups.
  • Ability to recognize melody by listening to Swar vistar.
  • Practice of reciting the bol of the theka of the following Taals in Thah, Dugun, and Chaugun Lay by showing Khali hands on the hands-
  • Char taal, Sulfak taal or Sool taal Rupak, Teevra.
  • Note- The syllabus of previous years will be combined.