Tabla & Pakhawaj Prarambhik Final Syllabus In English Pracheen Kala Kendra

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Tabla & Pakhawaj Prarambhik Final Syllabus In English

Tabla & Pakhawaj

Exam Marks





(1). Definition- Theka, Bol, Ekgun, Dugun lay, Chaugun lay, Tihai ,Tali, Sam, Mukhda, Tukda ,Kayda, Palta.

(2). Writing taal groups prescribed in the syllabus with matra and vibhag.

(3).Exercise of recitation in Thah and Dugun lay by showing Tali Khali to the Theka of taal groups prescribed in the syllabus.

(4). Brief knowledge of your instrument.

(5).Combined and non-combined Varn coming out on tabla.

(6). Information about the names of some Tabla and Pakhawaj players.


(1). Practice of recitation in Thah and Dugun lay with the help of Tali on hand from one to sixteen matras.

(2). Practice of playing the Theka of the following taals in Thah and Dugun lay- Dadra, Keharwa, Tritaal and Jhaptaal.

(3). Practice of playing two Rele and four Kayda in Tritaal.

(4). Knowledge of three types of Tihai, Sada Tukda in Tritaal, Dadra and Keharva Taal.

(5). Three Paran and Tihai in Chartaal for pakhavaj.

(6).Depicting Thah and Dugun through hand movements (by the bol of Matra and Taal)

Note:- Previous year’s syllabus will be combined.