Bharat Natyam Junior Diploma 2nd Year Syllabus In English Prayag Sangeet Samiti

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Bharat Natyam Junior Diploma 2nd Year Syllabus In English

Bharat Natyam


(1).Complete knowledge of Alaripu and Yatiswaram with meaning.

(2). Simple introduction of Sapta Taal.

(3).Complete knowledge of Bharat Natyashastra’s following 10 combined postures with their shlok and their meaning – Anjali, Karpat, Pushput, Shivling, Karkat, Katkavardhan, Swastika, Shakat and Chakra.

(4).Biography of Rukmini Devi Arundale and Bala Saraswati and their contribution to Bharatanatyam.

(5). Brief history of Bharatnatyam.

(6). Brief description of Dhwani, origin of Dhwani,Kampan, Aadolan, Aadolan  Sankhaya and Naad.


(1). Tell Alaripu in three lay (Thah, Dugun and Chaugun).

(2). Practicing the various Yetis of Yathiswaram.

(3). Tell by including the first year’s Advu Mudra.

(4). Simple movement of hands and head in three lay.