Kalyan Mukherjee Biography In English Life Story 1943-2010

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  • Kalyan Kumar Mukherjee was an expert in Indian classical music, especially the Senia Shahjahanpur gharana of the sarod. He was also a mathematician.

Kalyan Mukherjee Biography In English

Birth Details –

Place – Calcutta

Date of Birth – 1943

Nationality -Indian

Family –

Father- AK Mukherjee

Early Life

  • Mukherjee was born in 1943 in Calcutta. His father, AK Mukherjee, was a barrister who became a judge of the Supreme Court of India.
  • Justice Mukherjee was also a scholar of Indian philosophy, and had made significant contributions to Navya-Nyaya literature.
  • Kalyan thus grew up in an environment that gave great importance to learning and culture.
  • Musicians like sarod maestro Radhika Mohan Maitra were among Justice Mukherjee’s close friends. Young Kalyan started training under Maitra in 1956. He also studied with sitar player, singer and composer D T Joshi.


  • Mukherjee’s musical education continued uninterrupted throughout his acting career, but there were periods when he was not under the direct tutelage of a master.
  • Mukherjee believes that these years spent in relative isolation from the Indian music scene contributed to his development as a musician as much as his formal training. Mukherjee has a unique experience, both as a mathematician and as an uncompromising classicist on the sarod.

As A Mathematician

  • Mukherjee received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Cambridge, followed by a doctorate in mathematics from Cornell.
  • In 1968, he joined the Mathematics Faculty of UCLA. He remained at UCLA until 1976, when he returned to India to become a professor at the Indian Statistical Institutes in Delhi and Calcutta.
  • His research interests are mainly related to topology. He was credited with his authoritative publications in Friedholm manifolds and congruence theory.
  • In collaboration with his former research student Rajendra Bhatia, he also contributed to matrix analysis.
  • His work generated a significant body of further research by his former students as well as colleagues and contemporaries.
  • He also mentored many important contributors in the field including Rajendra Bhatia and Mahan Mitra.

As A Musician

  • While at UCLA, Mukherjee served as an instructor of Hindustani instrumental music in the newly formed Department of Ethnography, and worked closely with Nazir Jairajbhoy in the early days of the program.
  • His students include Peter Manuel, professor of music at Hunter College, CUNY, who has acknowledged his debt to Mukherjee in several publications.
  • Mukherjee’s performance has been limited. In all, he performed about fifty concerts during his 25-year career as a performing artist.
  • It was purely coincidental that he encountered Lyle Wachowski of India Archive Music, New York, who gave his music a global audience by publishing full-length CDs of ragas Shuddh Kalyan and Shukla Bilawal.
  • Additionally, from 1983 to 1990, Mukherjee was a regular broadcaster on All India Radio, Delhi.
  • Mukherjee’s music is rooted in tradition, but does not strictly follow tradition. His approach values ​​logic and aesthetic sensibility above other considerations.
  • A good example of this is his approach to interpreting the controversial raga Shuddh Kalyan, which finds mention in an article by Deepak Raja on the issue.

Other Information –

Date of death-2010

What is the birth place and date of birth of Kalyan Mukherjee?

Kalyan Mukherjee was born in 1943 in Calcutta, India.

What was the name of Kalyan Mukherjee’s father?

Kalyan Mukherjee’s father’s name was AK Mukherjee.

When did Kalyan Mukherjee die?

Kalyan Mukherjee died in 2010.

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