Definition Of Sutradhar In English

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Definition Of Sutradhar In English


  • The Sutradhar holds all the threads of the play in his hands and he starts the play and also ends it.
  • Sometimes he is also present in the middle of the play. Sometimes he conducts the play from behind the stage i.e. backstage. In the Indian color tradition, Sutradhar has got importance according to his name.
  • In Indian society, the world is called theatre, life as drama, man or creature as actor and God as Sutradhar.
  • It is believed that God is the Sutradhara, who holds all the sutras in his hand and conducts the actor in the form of man or creature in the drama of life on the stage of the world.
  • This regulatory role of the Sutradhar is clearly visible in our color tradition. He has been available on Sanskrit theater as a powerful character. The contribution of Sutradhar can also be underlined in the creation and development of traditional theatrical forms.
  • He got the title of Natyacharya because of being a preacher. While discussing the characteristics of Sutradhar, the ancient masters have also considered him as ‘music is everything’.
  • Because of interweaving the sources of dance, drama and story, he was also given the name of Sutradhar.