Definition And Elements Of Drama In English

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Definition And Elements Of Drama In English

Definition Of Drama

  • In the traditional context, drama is a form of poetry (Drishyakavya). The composition which not only through hearing but also through vision, creates a sensation in the heart of the audience, it is called drama or visual-poetry.
  • Drama has more beauty than audio poetry. Being an audio poetry, it is more closely associated with public consciousness. In Natyashastra, folk consciousness has been considered as the basic inspiration for the writing and staging of drama.


  • Drama is counted in poetry. Poetry is considered to be of two types – audio poetry and visual poetry. Drama is considered a variation of this visual poetry. But due to its eclipse mainly through vision, all visual poems have been called ‘drama’.
  • Bharatmuni’s Natyashastra is the oldest text on this subject. In Agnipuran also there is description of the characteristics of drama etc.
  • In it the name of a type of poetry is called Prakirna. There are two distinctions of this spread- poetic and acting. In Agnipurana, there are 27 types of visual poetry or allegory: Drama, Episode, Dim, Ehamrig, Samvakar, Prahasan, Vyayog, Bhan, Veethi, Ank, Trotak, Natika, Sattak, Shilpak, Vilasika, Durmallika, Departure, Bhanika, Bhani, Gosthi. , Hallishaka, Kavya, Srinigadit, Natairasaka, Rasaka, Ullapayaka and Prakshana. ,
  • According to the literary mirror, the play should be written with a well-known circle. It should be full of many types of luxury, happiness, sorrow, and many juices.
  • It should have numbers from five to ten. The hero of the play should be Dhirodatta and a majestic man or a Rajarshi of eminent lineage.
  • There must be some amazing trade in the junction. Only Mars should be shown in the epilogue. Viyogant Natak is against Sanskrit Alankar Shastra.
  • The principal or angi rasa of the play are Shringar and Veer. The rest of the juices come secondarily. The metaphor in which peace, compassion etc. are practiced cannot be called drama.

Elements Of Drama

The Plot

  • In English it is called ‘plot’, which means ‘base’ or ‘land’. The plot of the play can be mythological, historical, imaginary or social. Indian masters have determined three types of stories in the drama –



(3). Egyptian legend.


  • In drama, the drama has to render its thoughts, feelings etc. through the medium of the characters. Therefore, the characters have a special place in the drama.
  • The main character or the hero is the possessor of art and is the one who takes the society to the proper state.
  • According to Indian tradition, he should be modest, handsome, graceful, renunciate, high noble. But today, farmers, laborers etc. can be any character in the plays.


  • The purpose of the drama is to communicate juice in the heart of the society. Indian outlook has always been optimistic, that’s why almost all Sanskrit dramas have been happy.
  • Western dramatists are of the opinion that the dramatist does not write drama for the purpose of describing mythological or historical events, but through his medium he presents some values ​​and ideals.

Language Style

  • Drama is a common thing, so its language style should be simple, clear and comprehensible, so that effectiveness can be included in the drama and the viewer does not have to do intellectual labor due to complicated language, otherwise the feeling of juice will be hindered.
  • Therefore, the language of the drama should flow in a simple and clear form.

Country Environment

  • It is necessary for the dramatist to be especially cautious about the era in the depiction of the country’s atmosphere.
  • In western drama, the skill of compilation, time, place and work is described under Deshkal. In fact, all these three elements were in favor of ‘Greek theatre’.
  • Where there were long plays that ran all night and no scene changes were planned. But today due to the development of theatre, the importance of compilation has ended.


  • In a play, the playwright does not have time to speak for himself. It is through dialogues that the object is inaugurated and the character of the characters is developed.
  • Therefore, its dialogues should be simple, comprehensible, natural and character friendly. Its realization is hindered by serious philosophical topics.
  • That’s why they should not be used. Sometimes planning of welcome speech and songs has also been considered necessary for the resolution of Nir Satta and the wishes of the emotions of the characters.


  • In the play, only eight of the Navarasas reach maturity. There are three criteria for determining Angiras in the plays- first, multi-variety juice in the play; Second, the culmination of the drama, Rasa and third, the tendency of Rasa present in the protagonist of the drama.


  • This is the main feature of the play. The credit goes to him for giving the drama the elements of drama. This is the quality of drama which attracts the viewer towards itself.
  • In this regard, the playwright should take full care of the form, size, decoration of the scenes and its proper balance, costumes, arrangements, lighting etc.
  • Acting is also the main element of drama. Its excellence depends on the eloquence and acting skills of the characters. Mainly acting is of 4 types.

(1).Aangik Acting

(2).Vaachik Acting

(3).Aahaary Acting

(4).Saatvik Acting