History and Importance of Damphu Musical Instrument In English

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History and Importance of Damphu

  • A damphu, or damfu (is a percussion instrument similar to a large tambourine. This instrument is used by the Tamang people of Nepal to play the melodious Tamang cello.
  • Damphu and Tungna are the main instruments of the Tamang people and both these instruments are called ‘nail and flesh’ on one finger.


  • Many stories exist in the Tamang community as to how the drum was first made and became the accompaniment to Tamang songs. It is said that Peng Dorje once killed a particularly beautiful deer which left his wife deeply saddened and crying and Peng Dorje decided to please her.
  • He made Damphu using the beautiful skin of antelope. First he bought a strip of wood and made a circle.
  • Then he tightened the dried antelope skin on one side of the hoop using 32 bamboo sticks, called phurba. The mandala made melodious sounds, trataka dhin.
  • He started singing to the beat of that newborn instrument, remembering his ancestors and the gods.
  • The story goes that all the creatures danced, as did his wife. A bird, the pheasant “Damphu”, was also dancing to the melody. So Peng Dorje named the circle drum “Damphu”. Thereafter it became a part of the culture and lifestyle of the Tamang people.

Use –

  • Damfu is a tabla instrument similar to a large tambourine. It is a double-sided disc-shaped drum, covered with leather and with a long wooden handle.
  • It is a rare musical instrument belonging to the indigenous Tamang community of the state. This instrument is very easy to play and learn.
  • Tamang people use Damphu in every event such as weddings, funerals, special occasions, rituals and festivals, where importantly, they express joy, sorrow, remember ancestors and share their history through songs with Damphu. telling.


  • The damfu is typically used during performances and ceremonies and is, like a bodhran, a one-sided circular frame drum decorated with symbols or left field.
  • It may consist of a small stick 4 to 6 inches long that is attached to the body of the instrument or played simply with the hands.
  • This stick is made of a thin piece of bamboo. The skin is held tightly by 32 bamboo pegs.
  • These 32 pegs represent the Buddha and the 32 physical symbols (traits) of the Bodhisattva or Buddha.
  • Sometimes a mobile metal or wooden bird is attached to it which represents the mythical bird of the same name.


  • As a traditional folk instrument, the ancient Damfu is very popular. Along with the basic rhythm of tamang cello music, it has a significant influence in Nepalese culture.
  • It’s easy to learn and play. Tamang along with Tamba singer Damfu perform historical and religious songs.

Dampu question answer-

Damfu is made of which metal?

Damfu is a musical instrument made of leather, wood and bamboo.

When to use Damfu?

Damphu is used by Tamang people in every event like weddings, funerals, special occasions, rituals and festivals.

Damfu is played in which state?

Damfu is played in Sikkim, Nepal.

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