Inayat Khan Biography In English Pdf Life Story 1882 – 1927

Inayat Khan Biography
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Inayat Khan Biography In English

Birth Details –

Place – Baroda, Bombay Presidency, British India

Date of Birth – July 5, 1882

Marital Status – Married

Inayat Khan Biography In English

Family –

Wife- Pirani Ameena Begum

Sister- Noor Inayat Khan

Brother – Mehboob Khan

Son- Vilayat Khan

Daughter- Hana Yasmin Ali

Early Life –

  • Inayat was born in 1882 in a family of musicians.
  • His grandfather was a renowned musician, respected as a composer, performer and developer of a musical interpretation.
  • The house where he grew up was a crossroads for visiting poets, musicians, mystics and thinkers.
  • Inayat used to listen with great interest to the evening prayers sung in his house, and was impressed by the spiritual atmosphere generated by the chanting.

Career –

  • He developed considerable skill in the Veena (an Indian musical instrument).
  • At the age of eighteen, he went on a concert tour across India with the intention of reviving some of the old folk songs that were being replaced by more popular tunes.
  • He felt that these songs had a special spiritual quality that was being lost.
  • nayat began to seek spiritual guidance at this point. He had seen the face of a very spiritual bearded man in his dreams for some time.
  • One day in Hyderabad he had a feeling that something important was about to happen. After a while the man whom she had seen in the dream entered the room.
  • Inayat maintained close contact with his teacher for four years. During this time, he experienced a level of realization that made God a reality in his life.
  • Inayat began teaching and discussing her world view with different people
  • He decided to pursue more intensive teaching during the summer in France, and there he took up residence in Suresnes near Paris where he could run his “summer schools”.
  • His teachings emphasized the fundamental unity of all religions.

Teaching –

  • Inayat Khan’s teaching emphasized the unity of God (tawheed) and the underlying harmony of the revelations conveyed by the prophets of all the world’s great religions.
  • His discourses touched upon a variety of subjects such as religion, art, music, ethics, philosophy, psychology, and health and healing.
  • The primary concern of Inayat Khan’s teaching was the mystical pursuit of God-realization.

Travel –

  • Inayat Khan visited the United States between 1910 and 1912 with his brother Mehboob Khan and cousin Mohammad Ali Khan.
  • During World War I, while living in London, he oversaw the establishment of an order of Sufism under his guidance.
  • After the war he traveled widely, and toured Europe and the US. Several Sufi centers emerged in his wake.
  • He eventually settled in the house and khanqah (Sufi lodge) in Suresnes, France, known as the Fazal Manzil.

other information  –

  • Death – February 5, 1927
  • Place – New Delhi, British India

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Question Related to Inayat Khan

What was the full name of Inayat Khan?

Inayat Khan’s full name was Inayat Khan Rehmat Khan.

Where and when was Inayat Khan born?

Inayat Khan was born on February 5, 1927 in Baroda, Bombay Presidency, British India.

What was the name of Inayat Khan’s brother and sister?

Inayat Khan’s brother’s name was Mehboob Khan and sister’s name was Noor Inayat Khan.

What was the name of Inayat Khan’s daughter and son?

Inayat Khan’s daughter’s name was Hana Yasmin Ali and son’s name was ¬.

What was the name of Inayat Khan’s wife?

Inayat Khan’s wife was Pirani Ameena Begum

When did Inayat Khan die?

Inayat Khan died on February 5, 1927in New Delhi, British India

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